Resolução Normativa Nº 4, de 16 de agosto de 2007
Normative Resolution No. 04 of August 16th, 2007.
It disposes of minimal distance between the commercial
cultivation of genetically modified and non-genetically
modified corn, aiming at the coexistence between the
production systems.
The National Technical Biosafety Commission (CTNBio), in
the use of its legal and regular attributions, observing
the dispositions contained on item II of art. 14 of Law No.
11.105, of March 24th, 2005, decides:
Art.1. To establish minimal distances of isolation to
be observed between commercial cultivation of
genetically modified corn and cultivations of nongenetically
modified ones, to allow the coexistence
between the different production systems in the field.
Paragraph 1. For this norm purposes, genetically
modified corn is understood as the one obtained
through genetic engineering technique, as well as its
Paragraph 2. The precepts contained on the present
Normative Resolution do not apply to seeds production
activities, regulated by Law NO. 10.711, of August
05th, 2003, that disposes of the National System of
Seeds and Scions.
Art. 2. To allow coexistence, the distance between one
commercial crop of genetically modified corn and
another one of non-genetically modified corn, located
at neighboring area, should be equals or over 100 (one
hundred) meters, or alternatively, 20 (twenty) meters,
as long as added of border with at least, 10 (ten)
rows of conventional corn plants of similar size and
vegetative cycle to the genetically modified corn.
Art. 3. The present Normative Resolution is in force
from its publication date.
Walter Colli
CTNBio President