Resolução Normativa Nº 13, de 10 de novembro de 2014
Establishes post-harvesting isolation and
monitoring conditions for planned release
actions related to genetically modified
sorghum into the environment.
THE NATIONAL BIOSAFETY TECHNICAL COMMISSION – CTNBio, using the powers vested in it by
applicable legislation and regulations, and in view of the provisions of Article 14(II) of Law no.
11105, of March 24, 2005, RESOLVES
Article 1. Planned releases of genetically modified sorghum (Sorghum bicolor
(L.)Moench subsp bicolor) into the environment shall be implemented under the following
isolation conditions:
I – Keeping a minimum distance of 800 meters from other sorghum farming;
II – Featuring a bordering of twenty (20) lines of not genetically modified sorghum
around the set of experimental plots. The sorghum cultivar shall be of the same cycle
of the genetically modified cultivar;
III – Panicles of genetically modified sorghum shall be packed so as to avoid pollen
IV – At least bimonthly inspections up to harvesting shall be conducted at the tillage
and the area around the experiment within a radius of 1500 meters in order to
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eliminate sorghum sylvan plants and voluntary plants.
Article 2. Following harvesting of genetically modified sorghum, the experimental and
bordering areas shall be monitored for sorghum voluntary plants for a period of six (6) months
when irrigated and for twelve (12) months otherwise. Irrigation system availability of
unavailability shall be informed by LPMA request. During the monitoring period, the area shall
be either maintained in fallow or cultivated with a plant easily differentiated from sorghum
plants. Voluntary plants shall be eliminated before flourishing.
Article 3. Any situation unforeseen by this Ruling Resolution shall be evaluated and
defined by CTNBio in a case by case basis.
Article 4. CTNBio may, as the result of a risk assessment, set additional biosafety
Article 5. This Ruling Resolution shall be effective upon publication.
Edivaldo Domingues Velini
CTNBio President