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Resolução Normativa Nº 10, de 2 de Outubro de 2013


Sets isolation conditions for Planned
Release into the Environment of
genetically modified sweet orange (Citrus
sinensis (L.) Osbeck).
THE NATIONAL BIOSAFETY TECHNICAL COMMISSION – CTNBio, using the powers vested in it by
applicable legislation and regulations, and in view of the provisions of Article 14(II) of Law no.
11105, of March 24, 2005, RESOLVES
Article 1. In any planned release of genetically modified citrus into the environment,
the pollen competition strategy shall be taken into account through introduction of three types
of bordering combining not less than six rows of citrus trees, in addition to the following
specific conditions:
I – for experimental areas inserted in commercial tillage of citrus:
(a) Dispose, around the area containing genetically modified sweet orange, a
bordering comprising two lines of plants (rows of trees) of a not genetically
modified pollinizing genotype in the form of Annex I hereto;
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(b) Allocate a second bordering around the bordering mentioned on subparagraph (a)
above, comprising two lines of plants of a not genetically modified, selfincompatible
and monoenbryonic pollen receptor genotype, in the form of Annex
II hereto; and
(c) Dispose a third bordering around the bordering mentioned on subparagraphs (a)
and (b) above comprising not less than two lines planted with a variety of sweet
orange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) in the form of Annex III hereto.
II – for experimental areas outside commercial tillage of citrus, the bordering
mentioned on subparagraph (c) of paragraph I above shall feature not less than four
lines cultivated with a variety of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) in the form
of Annex III hereto.
Article 2. A minimum distance of three kilometers (3 km) shall be kept from beehives
for commercial or domestic production already existing at the time the experiment is installed.
Paragraph 1. Following the experiment installation, apiarists who may be interested in
installing commercial beehives shall be informed that such beehives should respect a distance
of not less than 1 km (one kilometer) between the experimental area and the apiary.
Article 3. In using citric rootstock from commercial nurseries, a distance of not less
than one kilometer (1 km) shall be kept from the citric plants raised for seeds (sowing).
Article 4. In setting up the experiment described in this Ruling Resolution, a distance of
not less than one hundred meters (100 m) shall be kept from nature preservation areas.
Article 5. An area of one hundred meters (100 m) measured from the last bordering
line around the experimental area shall be monitored and spontaneous citric plants eliminated.
Article 6. The provisions of this Ruling Resolution are not applicable in case the citric
plant has been formed by the transgenic grafted rootstalk, with a not transgenic treetop.
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Article 7. This Ruling Resolution shall be effective upon publication.

Flavio Finardi Filho

CTNBio President 


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Resolução CNBS Nº 3, de 5 de março de 2008

Ratifies the National Biosafety Technical Commission CTNBio Technical Opinion no. 1,100/2007, favorable to commercial release of genetically modified corn Event MON810, or Guardian Corn.


THE CHAIRPERSON, THE NATIONAL BIOSAFETY COUNCIL – CNBS, in view  of the provisions of Article 52 of  Decree no. 5,591, of  November 22, 2005, and Articles 15 and 24 of CNBS Internal Regulations, and
Complying with a CNBS decision issued in a meeting held on February 12, 2008, dismissing by majority vote, according to votes of His Excellency, the Reporting Minister, the appeals submitted  by Agência  Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária - ANVISA, the Brazilian National Sanitary Surveillance Agency, and by Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis - IBAMA, the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources in  proceedings no. 01200.002995/99-54;

Article 1. The National Technical Biosafety Commission – CTNBio Technical Opinion no. 1,100/2007, published in the Federal Official Gazette  of February 4, 2007, favorable to commercial release of genetically modified corn event MON810, of Guardian  Corn is hereby ratified.

Article 2. This Resolution is effective upon publication.



Resolução CNS Nº 292, de 08 de Julho de 1999

O Plenário do Conselho Nacional de Saúde em sua Octogésima Oitava Reunião Ordinária, realizada nos dias 07 e 08 de julho de 1999, no uso de suas competências regimentais e atribuições conferidas...

Resolução CNS Nº 251, de 07 de agosto de 1997

O Plenário do Conselho Nacional de Saúde em sua Décima Quinta Reunião Extraordinária, realizada no dia 05 de agosto de 1997, no uso de suas competências regimentais e atribuições conferidas pela...

Resolução CNS Nº 196, de 10 de outubro de 1996

O   Plenário do Conselho Nacional de Saúde em sua Quinquagésima Nona Reunião Ordinária, realizada nos dias 09 e 10 de outubro de 1996, no uso de suas competências regimentais e...