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Resolução CNBS Nº 4, de 31 de julho de 2008

Approves the National Biosafety Technical Commission CTNBio Technical Opinion no. 1,255/2008, favorable to commercial release of genetically modified corn Bt 11.

THE CHAIRPERSON, THE NATIONAL BIOSAFETY COUNCIL – CNBS, using the powers vested in her and in view  of the provisions of Article 52 of  Decree no. 5,591, of  November 22, 2005, and Articles 15 and 24 of CNBS Internal Regulations, and
Taking into consideration that the plenary meeting of June 18, 2008 dismissed the appeal  brought by Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária – ANVISA, the Brazilian National Sanitary Surveillance Agency in  proceedings no. 01200.002109/2000-04;

Article 1. The National Technical Biosafety Commission – CTNBio Technical Opinion no. 1,255/2008, favorable to commercial release of genetically modified corn Bt11, is hereby ratified.

Article 2. This Resolution is effective upon publication.